Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Price to Pay: Women Freedom Fighters

And if you're a courageous Iraqi woman with a babe at your breast, the Iraqi puppet government still has all the right to execute you. Why? Because, you my dear sister had the decency and courage to take up arms against the occupation, which has made you suffer the death of several of your family members, your whole world has been turned upside down, your children are starved and your dignity is crushed. The information below was received in the mail list of World Tribunal on Iraq. Also added was a note that the execution is expected to take place on March 3.

The Supreme Iraqi Criminal Court sentenced to death by hanging of three women on charges of complicity in the murder of Iraqi police loyal to the occupation in Baghdad and participation in what the Court considered 'terrorism'. News from a source in the Iraqi Lawyers Union. The three women are:

Wassan Talib (31 years old). The charge is killing five police officers through the participation with gunmen in an attack on police.

Zainab Fadhil (25 years old). The charge is attacking a joint patrol of the Iraqi army and the the American army last September with her husband and her cousin in Baghdad.

Liqa Omar Muhammad (26 years old). The charge is the participation with her husband and her brother in the killing of an official from the Green Zone.

Walid Hayali, lawyer and member of The Iraqi Lawyers Union, said the Court issued a ruling under item (156) against the three women without allowing them to engage counsel from a lawyer. The lawyer asked the whole world to move to stop the execution of the three women and to condemn of the Court's ruling. He pointed out that "Liqa" gave birth to her daughter in prison a few months ago (still nursing), and "Wassen" has a three-year-old daughter. He explained that the three women are now in "Kazimiah prison" in the Kazimiyah region.

May Allah bless our Iraqi sisters, and grant them peace on earth and in heaven. They're caught between Muqtada Sadr's lunatic cabal with an ill-informed extraction of Islam steeped in Jahiliyah culture that is most vehement toward women, and the sectarian occupation that is disrespectful of Iraqi civilization and its people. We can only hope and pray that this mad government doesn't hang our three sisters, because it is exemplifying Saddam Hussein at his worst, and yet again supported by Uncle Sam. I'm sure all of you're familiar with American outrage against the treatment of women by the Taliban in the days leading up to the invasion of Afganistan. No sooner was the Taliban chucked out, the Northern Alliance made up of vicious warlords took over, described by some to be even worse than Taliban. An illustration of this is when thirty-five women and children jumped to their death into a river to elude a band of commanders who were on a rampage to rape them.


D. said...

As salamu Alaikum,

"No sooner was the Taliban chucked out, the Northern Alliance made up of vicious warlords took over, described by some to be even worse than Taliban. An illustration of this is when thirty-five women and children jumped to their death into a river to elude a band of commanders who were on a rampage to rape them."

How can I verify this? I tried to search it but found nothing.

Sindbad said...

Salaam alaikum Dawood,

This is a link to the article by John Pilger: http://warmwell.com/2sept21pilger.html. For an overview of the matter, watch the documentary "Breaking the Silence: Truth and Lies in the War on Terror".