Monday, March 26, 2007

Impact of Globalisation on Indonesia

Indonesia is the most populous Muslim country on earth, but what you mayn't know is the sixty million of its population is extremely poor. I have yet to hear the exclamations of Arab and Muslim leaders that followed the Danish cartoon controversy, against the sordid, miserable working conditions of Indonesians, mostly sweatshop labour. Apart from the racism spewed by Western corporations, there is racism from Muslims themselves -- in their absolute silence over the fate of these people. While we rage about Palestinians in political apartheid, we mustn't overlook Indonesians in economic apartheid. Tiger Woods is paid more money for promoting Nike than almost the entire workforce actually making Nike in Indonesia, John Pilger informs us. Mostly women have to work in 40 degrees heat under poor light for the entire day. They are only paid seventy-two pence a day. Imagine the world we live in. World Bank, IMF and other corporate, Cold War vulture institutions are draining the very blood and spirit out of these sixty million people. Say no to Globalisation! Say yes to humanity! Say yes to One Ummah! Say yes to One World for all, Muslims and non-Muslims, without borders!


Anonymous said...

Indonesia is only poor in your eyes because they don't have lots of your paper money! You can't eat paper. But the Indonesians have plenty of land and labor to grow food.

pay per head said...

I wonder why I did not knew this before.... it was a good read. You are working on a very good blog.. I look forward to visit your blog again....